Each church is different and it can help to know what to expect before visiting for the first time. Below are some things to prepare you for your first visit to our Sunday Services.
What To Expect
We have two Worship Services on Sunday Morning: 9 & 10:30 AM

To find our main entrance, drive to the back of the parking lot. When you enter the church, friendly greeters will assist you with directions. To the left is our Visitors Information Booth. Here you will meet our Newcomers Director and greeters. They are available to answer any questions you might have and give you literature about the ministries at KCC.

You are also invited to drop by the 121 Manna Café for a cup of coffee and refreshments.

We are proud that we are a diverse congregation. Members of every generation and multiple ethnicities make up our church family. You will notice that some people dress up for church here and some people don’t. Feel free to wear what is comfortable to you and you will fit right in.

Our worship team will open with a song and a minister will greet the congregation and pray. Our worship team will lead the church in about 20 minutes of contemporary worship. Brief announcements of upcoming events and the church offering will follow worship. During this time visitors will be asked to raise their hands. We would like to know you are here! Our ushers will give you information about Knoxville Christian Center and a guest card to fill out and drop in the offering bag.

Our Pastor, Dr. Barry Culberson will preach a Biblically inspired message to enhance your life and challenge you to a new level of living. At the conclusion of the message Pastor Barry will have a time of prayer. You may come forward during that time and a leader in the church will gladly join with you in prayer for your need. Over the years countless prayers have been answered.

At the conclusion of the service we would love to meet you. Visitors are invited to meet our Pastor and leaders in the 121 Manna Cafe. There you will enjoy light refreshments and receive a free gift following the 1st & 2nd Sunday morning services.
Have Children?
There is childcare available for every service. We encourage you to place your young child with our experienced staff in the nursery. Our nursery is designed for 0-3 year olds and is equipped with several play centers, an area for snacks and direct access to children’s bathrooms. We have taken great care to provide a clean, safe environment for your child with nurturing adults, age appropriate toys and snacks, as well as an opportunity to interact with others. Our volunteers provide personal care for your child including praying over them to receive all that God has planned for their lives.
There are two children’s church locations on Sunday mornings:
Located in the Preschool Wing. Our preschool teachers teach Bible principles and truths through Elevate video curriculum as well as teach and encourage the kids to pray for one another. Preschoolers are allowed to play in the inflatable jump house in the Fellowship Hall or take a trip to our huge playground, Fort Culberson.
Kids are taught the Word of God through illustrated Bible stories, humorous puppet shows and age appropriate Bible lessons. Kids love weekly promotions, such as “Hat Day” or a “Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest”. Our Children’s Pastor, Dottie Culberson, teaches Bible principles through her original puppet skits and illustrated Bible stories. This Children’s Church is located on the north side of the building near the playground side of the church.
Hear Our Stories
It's the people that make our church a family.